{ "AddressBook.Buttons.Cancel": "Cancel", "AddressBook.Buttons.Submit": "Save", "AddressBook.Labels.Add": "Add new customer", "AddressBook.Labels.Address": "Address", "AddressBook.Labels.CompanyCode": "Company code", "AddressBook.Labels.CompanyName": "Company name", "AddressBook.Labels.CompanyZipCode": "ZIP code", "AddressBook.Labels.Edit": "Edit", "AddressBook.Labels.Email": "Invoice email", "AddressBook.Labels.EmptyList": "The address book is empty", "AddressBook.Labels.IBAN": "IBAN", "AddressBook.Labels.Phone": "Phone No.", "AddressBook.Titles.Create": "Create new customer", "AddressBook.Titles.Preview": "Address book", "AddressBook.Titles.Update": "Edit customer", "Application.Errors.General": "An error has occurred", "Application.Errors.Unauthorized": "An authorization error has occurred", "Bid.JobScope.Close": "Close", "Bid.JobScope.Description": "Scope document", "Bid.JobScope.Partner": "Scope description", "Bid.JobScope.Title": "Scope description", "Bid.Labels.PerHour": "/hr.", "BrowserPage.Descriptions.NotSupported": "The PortalPRO platform is accessible from the following browser versions: Chrome 34, Firefox 29, Safari 14.1, Edge 91 (or later).", "BrowserPage.Titles.NotSupported": "Your browser is not supported", "Client.Errors.NotFound": "Client was not found", "Contacts.Form.Add": "Add new contact", "Contacts.Form.Delete": "Delete contact", "Contacts.Form.Email": "Email", "Contacts.Form.Name": "Name and surname", "Contacts.Form.Position": "Position", "Contacts.Form.Title": "Contacts", "CreateOrder.BiddingTypes.Contest": "Full offer in advance", "CreateOrder.BiddingTypes.ContestDescription": "The partners will provide the final (i.e. full) price for the work. The final price can be with or without the cost of materials, depending on the job description.", "CreateOrder.BiddingTypes.Factual": "According to the hourly rate", "CreateOrder.BiddingTypes.FactualDescription": "You will pay as long as it takes the partner to do the work on an hourly rate. The partner will be able to include the price of materials used in the work in the final price.", "CreateOrder.BiddingTypes.Standart": "Standard order price calculation", "CreateOrder.BiddingTypes.StandartDescription": "Standard order price calculation", "CreateOrder.Buttons.AdditionalInformation": "Add additional information", "CreateOrder.Buttons.Back": "My orders", "CreateOrder.Buttons.Cancel": "Cancel", "CreateOrder.Buttons.GetOffer": "Get offer", "CreateOrder.Buttons.NoPhotosCancel": "Skip", "CreateOrder.Buttons.NoPhotosOk": "Attach photo", "CreateOrder.Buttons.PinOnMap": "Pin on map", "CreateOrder.Buttons.ServiceUnavailable": "Ok", "CreateOrder.Buttons.Submit": "Create", "CreateOrder.Buttons.SubmitOrder": "Announce a contest", "CreateOrder.Buttons.SubmitOrderEdit": "Update", "CreateOrder.Deadlines.D": "d.", "CreateOrder.Deadlines.H": "h.", "CreateOrder.Deadlines.M": "m.", "CreateOrder.Deadlines.UntilPartnerIsChosen": "Until the partner is found", "CreateOrder.Deadlines.W": "w.", "CreateOrder.Errors.ServiceItemsNotProvided": "These works are not currently available", "CreateOrder.Errors.ServiceUnavailable": "Service unavailable", "CreateOrder.FavoritePartner.Select": "Select", "CreateOrder.FavoritePartner.Selected": "Selected", "CreateOrder.Labels.AdditionalInformation": "Apartment number", "CreateOrder.Labels.Address": "Address", "CreateOrder.Labels.BiddingDeadline": "Bidding deadline", "CreateOrder.Labels.BiddingDeadlineHelp": "Usually our masters respond within 12 hours.", "CreateOrder.Labels.BiddingDeadlineUntil": "Bidding deadline", "CreateOrder.Labels.BiddingType": "Pricing type", "CreateOrder.Labels.BiddingTypeHelp": "According to the hourly rate - The partner will quote the cost of one hour of his work and calculate the time from the beginning to the end of the work. You will pay as long as it takes the partner to do the work on an hourly rate. The partner will be able to include the price of materials used in the work in the final price.\n\nFull offer in advance - The craftsmen will provide the final (i.e. full) price for the work. The final price can be with or without the cost of materials, depending on the job description.", "CreateOrder.Labels.Deadline": "Job deadline", "CreateOrder.Labels.Description": "Job description", "CreateOrder.Labels.JobsFinished": "Total jobs", "CreateOrder.Labels.NoPhotos": "Assignment with a photo gets up to 70% more handymen offers. A picture is worth a thousand words :)", "CreateOrder.Labels.PartnerPrice": "Price from", "CreateOrder.Labels.SelectServiceReceiver": "Select service receiver", "CreateOrder.Labels.Service": "Job name", "CreateOrder.Labels.ServiceUnavailable": "The service is currently not available at the address you provided.", "CreateOrder.Subtitles.GetOffer": "Professionals who provide this service:", "CreateOrder.Subtitles.SubmitOrder": "We will send your request to all partners who will submit bids.", "CreateOrder.Titles.Main": "Create order", "CreateOrder.Titles.NoPhotos": "Add a photo – get more offers from handymen! (optional)", "CreateOrder.Titles.ServiceUnavailable": "Service unavailable", "Document.BiddingReport": "Offers report", "Document.CreditInvoice": "Credit invoice", "Document.Invoice": "Invoice", "External.Error.Unexpected": "Something went wrong", "Favorite.Error.Client.NotFound": "Client was not found", "Favorite.Error.Partner.NotFound": "Partner was not found", "Favorite.Error.Partner.NotFoundInFavorite": "Partner was not found in the favorite list", "Favorite.Error.PartnerInvitation.AlreadyInFavorites": "This partner is already in the favorite list", "Favorite.Error.PartnerInvitation.AlreadySent": "An invitation has been already sent to the partner", "Favorite.Error.PartnerInvitation.CantInvite": "A partner has been found but cannot be invited", "Favorite.Error.PartnerInvitation.DifferentCountry": "A partner has been found in other country and cant be invited", "Favorite.Error.PartnerInvitation.MissingPhoneNumber": "Invitation message can't be sent. Partner phone number is empty", "Favorite.Error.PartnerInvitation.Translation": "Translation can't be retrieved", "Favorite.Error.Unexpected": "Something went wrong", "Footer.Labels.Copyright": "PortalPRO ©", "Forms.Errors.DniPersonalCodeInvalid": "DNI personal Code invalid", "Forms.Errors.FileTooLarge": "Some files are too large", "Forms.Errors.InvalidEmail": "Incorrect email address (format: description@domain)", "Forms.Errors.MaxLengthForCompanyCode": "The maximum allowed characters is 50", "Forms.Errors.MustAgree": "Accept agreement and terms", "Forms.Errors.NiePersonalCodeInvalid": "NIE personal code invalid", "Forms.Errors.PasswordMustMatch": "Passwords must match", "Forms.Errors.PersonalCodeShouldBeNull": "Personal code type not selected. Personal code should be null", "Forms.Errors.PersonalCodeTypeIsInvalid": "Personal type is invalid", "Forms.Errors.PhoneNumberInvalid": "Phone number must start with + and contain between 9 and 12 symbols", "Forms.Errors.Required": "This field is required", "Forms.Errors.RequiredForCompany": "This field is required for a company", "Forms.Errors.TooLong": "Value too long", "Forms.Errors.TooManyFiles": "Too many files", "Forms.Errors.UnsupportedFileType": "Incorrect file format", "Global.Labels.CallPartner": "Call partner", "Global.Labels.CountriesCZ": "Česko", "Global.Labels.CountriesES": "España", "Global.Labels.CountriesHU": "Magyarország", "Global.Labels.CountriesLT": "Lietuva", "Global.Labels.CountriesPL": "Polska", "Global.Labels.CountriesRO": "România", "Global.Labels.Loading": "Loading...", "Global.Labels.No": "No", "Global.Labels.NoOptions": "Search and select", "Global.Labels.TimeUnitsDays": "d.", "Global.Labels.TimeUnitsHours": "h.", "Global.Labels.TimeUnitsMinutes": "m.", "Global.Labels.TimeUnitsMonths": "mth.", "Global.Labels.TimeUnitsSeconds": "s.", "Global.Labels.TimeUnitsYears": "yr.", "Global.Labels.Yes": "Yes", "Global.Messages.ServerError": "Oops! Something wrong, please try again...", "Global.PlaceHolders.Search": "Search", "InvitePartner.Banner.Button": "Invite new partner", "InvitePartner.Banner.Subtitle": "Invite your favorite handyman and you'll be able to directly send service request to your providers app. You'll be able to get instant inquiry status updates, easily review job photos, comments, prices stored in the inquiry - all in one place.", "InvitePartner.Banner.Title": "Invite your favorite technicians to join PortalPRO", "InvitePartner.Buttons.Invite": "Send invitation", "InvitePartner.Card.DeleteButton": "Remove", "InvitePartner.Card.DismissButton": "Not interested", "InvitePartner.Card.InviteButton": "Invite partner", "InvitePartner.Card.PlaceholderText": "Your partner can be here", "InvitePartner.Description.FoundPartner": "Handyman you looking for is already joined out Platform. Invite him in favorite list or initiate invitation by another phone number if you looking for another handyman.", "InvitePartner.Description.FoundUnavailablePartner": "Now your handyman cannot be invited because he has problems with his account or he works in, another country.", "InvitePartner.Description.Loading": "Loading your favorite partners...", "InvitePartner.Description.Main": "Below is a list of your invited partners.", "InvitePartner.Description.Partnerless": "You don't have favorite partners yet.", "InvitePartner.Labels.PhoneInput": "Phone", "InvitePartner.Labels.TextInput": "Invitation text (60 symbols)", "InvitePartner.Remove.CancelButton": "Cancel", "InvitePartner.Remove.SubmitButton": "Confirm", "InvitePartner.Remove.Title": "Are you sure that you want to remove the partner from your favorites list? You'll no longer be able to send jobs to a removed partner.", "InvitePartner.Success.Button": "Close", "InvitePartner.Success.Subtitle": "We will inform you by SMS when your invited partner will join into PortalPRO and you will be able to send him a first job.", "InvitePartner.Success.Title": "Your invitation has been sent!", "InvitePartner.Titles.FoundPartner": "We found your handyman!", "InvitePartner.Titles.Invitation": "Send invitation to your favorite partner by SMS", "InvitePartner.Titles.Main": "Your invited favorites", "Labels.Languages.CA": "Català", "Labels.Languages.CZ": "Český", "Labels.Languages.EN": "English", "Labels.Languages.ES": "Español", "Labels.Languages.HU": "Magyar", "Labels.Languages.LT": "Lietuvių", "Labels.Languages.PL": "Polski", "Labels.Languages.PT": "Português", "Labels.Languages.RU": "Pусский", "Login.Buttons.Continue": "Continue", "Login.Buttons.Register": "Register", "Login.Buttons.Reset": "Forgot password?", "Login.Buttons.SelectCountry": "Go back to country select", "Login.Buttons.Submit": "Login", "Login.Error.UserIsBlocked" : "Cannot login because user is blocked", "Login.Error.UserBlocked" : "Cannot login because user is blocked", "Login.Error.CrossCountry": "Services provided only in one country", "Login.Errors.Failed": "Invalid email or password", "Login.Errors.FailedOtp": "Failed to send sms. Please check your phone number", "Login.Errors.InvalidCountry": "Your account is not registered in this country", "Login.Errors.InvalidOtpCode": "Invalid OTP code", "Login.Errors.UserIsBlocked" : "Cannot login because user is blocked", "Login.Labels.DontReceiveCode": "Didn't receive the code?", "Login.Labels.Email": "Email", "Login.Labels.GoBack": "Go back", "Login.Labels.LoginOtherWay": "Want to change login method?", "Login.Labels.Password": "Password", "Login.Labels.SendAgain": "Resend", "Login.Labels.WithEmail": "Email", "Login.Labels.WithPhone": "Phone", "Login.SubTitles.Main": "Please log in to order our services", "Login.Texts.Register": "Don't have an account yet?", "Login.Titles.Main": "Login", "Login.Titles.SmsConfirmationSubtitle": "Enter the received SMS code", "Menu.Buttons.AddressBook": "Address book", "Menu.Buttons.CreateOrder": "Create order", "Menu.Buttons.Login": "Login", "Menu.Buttons.Logout": "Logout", "Menu.Buttons.Profile": "Profile", "Menu.Links.InvitePartner": "Invite partner", "Menu.Links.Orders": "My orders", "Menu.Links.Services": "Services", "Mtc.CompanyCode": "Company code:", "Mtc.CompanyIban": "IBAN:", "Mtc.CompanyName": "Seller:", "Mtc.CompanyVat": "VAT code:", "Mtc.MaterialPrice": "Payable amount:", "Mtc.MtcInvoiceInfo": "Invoice will be provided by profile email per 16 working days", "Mtc.Title": "Payment of material costs should be made using the details below", "NoOrders.Buttons.Create": "Create order", "NoOrders.Subtitles.Main": "More than 2000 skilled handymans in different fields, 100 000 high-quality works! Customers rate the work of handymans with 4.95 points out of 5! Do not waste time on considerations and call the handyman to your home! Fast, transparent, reliable.", "NoOrders.Titles.Main": "Finding an experienced handyman costs nothing, and you only pay after the work is done!", "Notification.Labels.UnspecifiedPlannedStartDate": "not specified", "Order.Buttons.Back": "My orders", "Order.Buttons.CompleteProfile": "Fill in the details", "Order.Buttons.Pay": "Pay", "Order.CancelReason.BiddingFailed": "No bids", "Order.CancelReason.BiddingFailedDescription": "Unfortunately, partners did not submit any bids to your order. You are welcome to re-submit your order: describe the order in detail, add photos.", "Order.CancelReason.ByClient": "Cancelled", "Order.CancelReason.ByClientDescription": "You have canceled your order. You are welcome to re-submit your order: describe the order in detail, add photos.", "Order.CancelReason.NoPartnersAvailable": "Service not available", "Order.CancelReason.NoPartnersAvailableDescription": "Service is not yet available here.", "Order.CancelReason.NoReasonDescription": "You are welcome to re-submit your order: describe the order in detail, add photos.", "Order.Deadlines.D": "d", "Order.Deadlines.H": "h", "Order.Deadlines.M": "mo", "Order.Deadlines.W": "wk", "Order.Errors.CannotAcceptBid": "Cannot accept bid", "Order.Errors.CannotAcceptBidDueToUpdate": "While an update is in progress, the bid cannot be accepted", "Order.Errors.CannotUpdateOrderDetailsBiddingStopped": "Cannot update order details when bidding is finished", "Order.Errors.CannotUpdateOrderDetailsInCurrentStatus": "Cannot update order details in current status", "Order.Errors.DeadlineIsEarlierThanCurrent": "Cannot update deadline to earlier than current", "Order.Errors.IncompletePaymentDetails": "Incomplete payment details ", "Order.Errors.InvalidBiddingDeadline": "Invalid bidding deadline", "Order.Errors.InvalidDeadline": "Invalid deadline", "Order.Errors.MissingPartnerBid": "Bid not found", "Order.Errors.OrderCancellationAtInvalidStatus": "Order cannot be cancelled", "Order.Errors.OrderCannotBeFormedForPartner": "Order cannot be assigned to a chosen partner", "Order.Errors.OrderCreationNotInitiated": "Order cannot be created since it's creation is not yet initiated", "Order.Errors.OrderNotFormed": "Order was not formed", "Order.Errors.OrderProcessingFromPreorderNotStarted": "Order processing cannot be started as it is not in preorder status", "Order.Errors.PaymentAlreadyInitiated": "Payment is already initiated", "Order.Feedback.Comment": "Your comment (optional)", "Order.Feedback.Submit": "Save", "Order.Feedback.Title": "Evaluate the service", "Order.Labels.BiddingDeadline": "Waiting for bids", "Order.Labels.Bids": "Bids", "Order.Labels.Deadline": "Work deadline", "Order.Labels.GotPayment": "You received an invoice for the work. Invoice you can find in the order section \"Documents\" or in your mailbox.", "Order.Labels.PartnerComment": "Partners comment", "Order.Statuses.AwaitingApproval": "Approved", "Order.Statuses.AwaitingCompletion": "Completed", "Order.Statuses.CancelInitiated": "Cancellation in progress", "Order.Statuses.CancelledBiddingFailedSubTitle": "No bids", "Order.Statuses.CancelledNoPartnersAvailableSubTitle": "Service not available", "Order.Statuses.Completed": "Completed", "Order.Statuses.InProgress": "Approved", "Order.Statuses.Paid": "Paid", "Order.Statuses.ReadyForPayment": "Completed", "Order.Statuses.Resolved": "Resolved", "Order.Statuses.StatusCancelled": "Cancelled", "Order.Statuses.StatusCancelledDescription": "You are welcome to re-submit your order: describe the order in detail, add photos.", "Order.Statuses.StatusCancelledSubTitle": "No bids", "Order.Statuses.StatusCreated": "Waiting bids", "Order.Statuses.StatusCreatedAsPreorder": "In scoping state", "Order.Statuses.WaitingConfirmation": "Waiting for customer confirmation", "Order.Statuses.Primary": "Primary", "Order.Subtitles.IncompleteProfile": "Please fill in the details that will be required to issue an invoice", "Order.Titles.Bid": "Bids", "Order.Titles.Bids": "Bids", "Order.Titles.IncompleteProfile": "Must complete profile information", "Order.Titles.Order": "Order", "Order.Titles.Partner": "The partner", "Order.Titles.Pay": "Pay the invoice", "OrderCard.Buttons.AcceptWork": "Confirm", "OrderCard.Buttons.AgreeModalCancel": "Cancel", "OrderCard.Buttons.AgreeModalOk": "I Agree", "OrderCard.Buttons.AwaitingPay": "Generating invoice", "OrderCard.Buttons.CancelModalCancel": "No", "OrderCard.Buttons.CancelModalOk": "Yes", "OrderCard.Buttons.CancelOrder": "Cancel order", "OrderCard.Buttons.EditOrder": "Edit", "OrderCard.Buttons.FinishProfile": "Add profile data for invoice", "OrderCard.Buttons.LessInfo": "Less information", "OrderCard.Buttons.ModalAgree": "I Agree", "OrderCard.Buttons.MoreInfo": "More information", "OrderCard.Buttons.Pay": "Pay", "OrderCard.Buttons.PaymentProcessing": "Processing...", "OrderCard.Buttons.PreviewOffer": "Preview offer", "OrderCard.Buttons.ProfileSavingProcessing": "Saving profile data", "OrderCard.Buttons.RecreateOrder": "Order again", "OrderCard.Labels.Address": "Address", "OrderCard.Labels.AgreedPricing": "Will submit after work scoping", "OrderCard.Labels.BiddingDeadline": "Bidding deadline", "OrderCard.Labels.CancelModalContent": "Are you sure you want to cancel this order?", "OrderCard.Labels.ConfirmEditModalContent": "If you change your order information, your order will be resent to the partners. The partners offers will no longer be valid and the partners will resubmit their offers. Continue?", "OrderCard.Labels.Deadline": "Work deadline", "OrderCard.Labels.OrderCode": "Order id", "OrderCard.Labels.PartnersOffers": "Partners offers", "OrderCard.Labels.PreliminaryPricing": "Preliminary price", "OrderCard.Labels.Pricing": "Price to pay", "OrderCard.Labels.PricingMaterials": "Materials", "OrderCard.Labels.PricingWork": "Work", "OrderCardHeader.Labels.OffersCount": "You have offers!", "OrderCardHeader.Labels.OffersCount_few": "You have {{count}} offers", "OrderCardHeader.Labels.OffersCount_one": "You have {{count}} offer", "OrderCardHeader.Labels.OffersCount_other": "You have {{count}} offers", "OrderCardHeader.Labels.TimeLeft": "Time left", "OrderEdit.Buttons.Cancel": "Close", "OrderEdit.Buttons.Save": "Save", "OrderEdit.Subtitles.Main": "After changes will resend your order to the partners.", "OrderEdit.Titles.Main": "Describe the work to be done by the partner", "OrderProgress.Labels.AwaitingApproval": "Partner selection", "OrderProgress.Labels.Completed": "Payment", "OrderProgress.Labels.InProgress": "Execution", "OrderProgress.Labels.Resolved": "Confirmation", "OrderProgress.Labels.StatusCreated": "Bidding", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.AwaitingApproval": "Choose the best offer for yourself, confirm it and you will be able to contact a partner to discuss the details of the work. We recommend that you do not delay, as other customers choose a partner.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.Completed": "You have received an invoice, which you can find in the \"Documents\" section or in your mailbox. Pay by bank transfer or cash. After payment, mark the order as paid.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.InProgress": "The handyman will contact you to coordinate the arrival time and other details.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.Paid": "Thank you for using the PortalPRO platform. Don't forget to leave us feedback and recommend to friends.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.Resolved": "Please confirm that the work has been completed. After confirmation, an invoice will be generated for you, which you can pay in cash or by bank transfer.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.SearchingPartner": "We will inform you by SMS when we find a service provider. The service provider will contact you to discuss the details of your request, including the arrival time and any other questions you m ay have. In case of changes, you can always communicate with service provider to find a solution - update scope of work, change provider or cancel the order.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.StatusCreatedNoBids": "Partners will submit bids. When submitting offers, partners can contact you by phone to check the work. For standard, precisely described works, the proposal will be submitted within 1 hour, for more complex ones - it will take longer.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.StatusCreatedWithBids": "After approving the offer, you will be able to contact the partner and check the details of the work, the budget, time and other conditions acceptable to you and the partner. We recommend that you choose a partner faster, as other customers choose a partner.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.StatusHelp": "After you submit your service request, we’ll start searching for a service provider to fulfill your request. Once we’ve found a service provider we’ll provide you with all the relevant contact information for the service provider so that you can get in touch with them directly.\n The service provider will contact you to discuss the details of your request, including the arrival time and any other questions you may have. After the service provider completes the work, you will receive an invoice that you can pay by bank transfer or in cash.\n In case of changes, you can always communicate with service provider to find a solution - update scope of work, change provider or cancel the order.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.StatusPricedHelp": "After you submit your service request, we’ll start searching for a service provider to fulfill your request. Once we’ve found a service provider we’ll provide you with all the relevant contact information for the service provider so that you can get in touch with them directly.\n The service provider will contact you to discuss the details of your request, including the arrival time and any other questions you may have. After the service provider completes the work, you will receive an invoice that you can pay by bank transfer or in cash.\n In case of changes, you can always communicate with service provider to find a solution - update scope of work, change provider or cancel the order.", "OrderProgress.Subtitles.StatusStandardHelp": "After you submit your service request, partners will submit bids. During the bidding process, partners can contact you by phone to check the scope of work.\n Choose the best offer for yourself, confirm it and you will be able to contact the partner directly to discuss the details of the job.\n For standard, precisely described works, the proposal will be submitted within 1 hour, for more complex ones - it will take longer.", "OrderProgress.Titles.AwaitingApproval": "Bidding ended: Select a partner", "OrderProgress.Titles.Completed": "Pay the order", "OrderProgress.Titles.InProgress": "Selected partner", "OrderProgress.Titles.Main": "Order status", "OrderProgress.Titles.Paid": "Order successfully paid!", "OrderProgress.Titles.Resolved": "Partner has resolved an order!", "OrderProgress.Titles.SearchingPartner": "Searching for best service provider", "OrderProgress.Titles.StatusCreatedNoBids": "Your order has been submitted to the partners: ", "OrderProgress.Titles.StatusCreatedWithBids": "You have received a bid, please choose", "OrderSteps.Buttons.Back": "Back", "OrderSteps.Buttons.DetailsStep": "Next: order preview", "OrderSteps.Buttons.InformationStep": "Next: arrival details", "OrderSteps.Buttons.JobsStep": "Next: photos", "OrderSteps.Buttons.Next": "Next", "OrderSteps.Buttons.PartnerStep": "Send an order", "OrderSteps.Buttons.ServiceStep": "Next: description", "OrderSteps.Buttons.SummaryStep": "Order", "OrderSteps.Errors.JobItemNotSelected": "Enter the quantity next to the work: area, volume, number of units.", "OrderSteps.Info.ExpectedTimeInput": "Time of arrival", "OrderSteps.Info.JobsStepFactual": "Assign a handyman automatically", "OrderSteps.Info.JobsStepStandard": "I want to get price offers from handymans", "OrderSteps.Labels.ContactPersonInput": "Contact person", "OrderSteps.Labels.ContactPersonSelected": "Select contact person", "OrderSteps.Labels.ContactPersonUser": "I'm contact person", "OrderSteps.Labels.DeadlineDurationMonth": "Per month", "OrderSteps.Labels.DeadlineDurationSixMonths": "In half a year", "OrderSteps.Labels.DeadlineDurationTwoWeeks": "In two weeks", "OrderSteps.Labels.DeadlineDurationWeek": "Per week", "OrderSteps.Labels.DeadlineInput": "Work deadline", "OrderSteps.Labels.DeadlineInputHelp": "Choose when the work should be done. You will discuss the exact arrival time with the chosen partner.", "OrderSteps.Labels.DetailsStepDescriptionFieldLabel": "Additional info for handyman", "OrderSteps.Labels.DetailsStepExpensesCheckboxLabel": "I want materials from handyman", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedPrice": "Expected price", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTime": "Expected time of arrival", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTime.Values.AfterWork": "After work (18-21h)", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTime.Values.Anytime": "Suitable for any time", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTime.Values.OnWeekend": "On weekend", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTime.Values.WorkingHours": "Working hours (8-17h)", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTimeAfterWork": "After work (18-21h)", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTimeAnytime": "Suitable for any time", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTimeWeekend": "On weekend", "OrderSteps.Labels.ExpectedTimeWorkingHours": "Working hours (8-17h)", "OrderSteps.Labels.InAgreementWithPartner": "Expected price: in agreement with partner.", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepEmptyJobList": "Work list is empty. Please describe the service in the \"I will describe the works\" section.", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepFactualRadioLabel": "We will choose one handyman and the best service hourly rate. And you will be able to agree on the final price after talking to the handyman.", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepFixedRadioLabel": "Works from list", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepInfoLabel": "Based on the specified quantity, we will calculate the preliminary price. Buying more units reduces the cost.", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepJobListAmountLabel": "Quantity, {{units}}:", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepReadMoreLabel": "Read more", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepStandardRadioLabel": "You will receive handymans offers for the described jobs and choose the best one for you.", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepWorkTypeNonStandardLabel": "I will describe the works", "OrderSteps.Labels.JobsStepWorkTypeStandardLabel": "Works from list", "OrderSteps.Labels.LocationStepPartnersCount": "Professionals found in your location", "OrderSteps.Labels.LocationStepServiceUnavailableAnchor": "Contact us", "OrderSteps.Labels.LocationStepServiceUnavailableInfo": "Need help?", "OrderSteps.Labels.LocationStepServiceUnavailableSubtitle": "Try to search different location or contact with us.", "OrderSteps.Labels.LocationStepServiceUnavailableTitle": "No masters found in selected location", "OrderSteps.Labels.MaterialsDeliveryService": "Materials delivery service is ordered", "OrderSteps.Labels.OrderTrackingCheckboxLabel": "Send order tracking link for customer", "OrderSteps.Labels.SendTrackingByEmail": "Send tracking URL by Email", "OrderSteps.Labels.SendTrackingBySms": "Send tracking URL by SMS", "OrderSteps.Labels.ServiceReceiverSelected": "Select service receiver", "OrderSteps.Labels.ServiceReceiverUser": "I'm service receiver", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepCheckboxLabel": "I have read and agree to", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepCheckboxLabelSecondPart": "and agree with the", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepDeadlineMetaItem": "Work deadline:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepFixedPriceMetaItem": "Preliminary price:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepHourlyMetaItem": "Preliminary price:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepInfoMetaItem": "Description:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepLocationMetaItem": "Address:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepNextTitle": "What's next?", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepPartner": "The best handyman for your work (if the handyman is unable to respond to your request quickly, PortalPro will automatically find another handyman):", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepPressableCheckboxLabel": "Terms and Conditions", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepPressableCheckboxLabelContract": "Contract terms", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepPressableCheckboxLabelPrivacy": "Privacy Policy", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepPublicUserHeader": "Order confirmation:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepPublicUserInfo": "To confirm your order, we just need you to enter the SMS code that we'll send to your phone. It's a quick and easy step that helps us make sure your order is processed correctly.", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepServiceMetaItem": "Service:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepTitle": "Order details:", "OrderSteps.Labels.SummaryStepUpdatesCheckboxLabel": "I would like to get interesting updates and additional information from PortalPRO", "OrderSteps.Labels.WorkTypeNonStandardInfoButton": "Select work from list", "OrderSteps.Labels.WorkTypeNonStandardInfoDescription": "Not sure about how to describe your scope of work? We offer you to select work from standardized work list:", "OrderSteps.Labels.WorkTypeStandardInfoButton": "Describe work manually", "OrderSteps.Labels.WorkTypeStandardInfoDescription": "Can't find the service in the list? Click here to describe works manually:", "OrderSteps.Service.Search": "Search...", "OrderSteps.Service.Search.Results": "Search results:", "OrderSteps.Subtitles.DetailsStep": "Provide an address for the work and mark arrival settings.", "OrderSteps.Subtitles.InformationStep": "Attach photos and mark whether the handyman will need to provide materials for the work.", "OrderSteps.Subtitles.JobsStep": "Enter the quantity next to the work.", "OrderSteps.Subtitles.PartnerStep": "We will send your request to all partners who will submit bids.", "OrderSteps.Subtitles.PriceStepStep": "Rekomenduojame valandinį įkainį! Tik jei žinote tikslią darbų apimtį, rinkitės pilną kainą. Už darbą mokėsite tik po darbo atlikimo.", "OrderSteps.Subtitles.ServiceStep": "Choose the area of work the most similar to your request.", "OrderSteps.Subtitles.SummaryStep": "The price is determined according to the defined scope of work. If the scope of work changes, the price will be adjusted", "OrderSteps.Summary.Search.Partner": "Paieška", "OrderSteps.Titles.DetailsStep": "Fill in the arrival details", "OrderSteps.Titles.InformationStep": "Fill in the work details", "OrderSteps.Titles.JobsStep": "Specify the scope of work", "OrderSteps.Titles.PartnerStep": "Professionals who provide this service: ", "OrderSteps.Titles.PriceStepStep": "Pricing type", "OrderSteps.Titles.ServiceStep": "Select service", "OrderSteps.Titles.SummaryStep": "Review your order and confirm", "OrderSuccess.Buttons.Close": "Close", "OrderSuccess.Text.AutoBidFirst": "We'll start searching for service provider to fulfill your request.", "OrderSuccess.Text.AutoBidSecond": "Whats next?\n\n 1) Once wee've found service provider we'll provide you with all the relevant contact information for the service provider so that you can get in touch with them directly.\n 2) The service provider will contact you to discuss the details of your request, including the arrival time and any other questions you m ay have. This is your chance to make sure that everything is clear and to ask any questions you may have about the service.\n 3) After the service provider completes the work, you will receive an invoice that you can pay by bank transfer or in cash.\n 4) In case of changes, you can always communicate with service provider to find a solution - update scope of work, change provider or cancel the order.", "OrderSuccess.Text.MultiPartnersFirst": "The handymen have received your request. We will inform you about the price offers by email and SMS.", "OrderSuccess.Text.MultiPartnersSecond": "What's next?\n\n1. Partners will submit bids. During the bidding process, partners can contact you by phone to check the scope of work.\n 2. Choose the best offer for yourself, confirm it and you will be able to contact the partner directly to discuss the details of the job.\n For standard, precisely described works, the proposal will be submitted within 1 hour, for more complex ones - it will take longer.", "OrderSuccess.Text.OnePartnerFirst": "The partner has received your request. When the partner submits an offer, we will inform you by e-mail and sms.", "OrderSuccess.Text.OnePartnerSecond": "What's next?\n\nYour chosen partner must respond within 1 hour. If the partner does not respond within one hour, the system will automatically send a request to all platform masters who will submit bids.", "OrderSuccess.Titles.MultiPartners": "Your order was successfully created!", "OrderSuccess.Titles.OnePartner": "Your order was successfully created!", "OrderTabs.Titles.Documents": "Documents", "OrderTabs.Titles.Information": "Information", "OrderTabs.Titles.Partner": "Partner", "OrderTabs.Titles.Progress": "Status", "OrderTabsDocumentsTab.Labels.ReportLink": "Download offers report", "OrderTabsPartnerTab.Labels.TotalWorkCount": "Total jobs", "OrderTabsPartnerTab.Titles.Comment": "Comment", "OrderTabsPartnerTab.Titles.PriceChanges": "Price has been changed", "Orders.Buttons.AcceptBid": "Accept", "Orders.Buttons.Complete": "Confirm", "Orders.Buttons.ConfirmBid": "Accept", "Orders.Buttons.Edit": "Edit", "Orders.Buttons.LoadMore": "Load more", "Orders.Buttons.More": "More", "Orders.Buttons.Pay": "Pay", "Orders.Buttons.Resolve": "Complete", "Orders.Buttons.ShowAllBids": "All bids", "Orders.Descriptions.AwaitingCompletion": "When you receive the invoice you will be able to pay for the work", "Orders.Descriptions.Cancelled": "You are welcome to re-submit your order: describe the order in detail, add photos.", "Orders.Descriptions.Completed": "When you receive the invoice you will be able to pay for the work", "Orders.Descriptions.CreateOrder": "Click the button below to create order", "Orders.Descriptions.FactualInProgress": "Partners' hourly price is", "Orders.Descriptions.InProgress": "The approved price of the works is", "Orders.Descriptions.Paid": "The invoice is paid", "Orders.Descriptions.ReadyForPayment": "You have received an invoice. We have sent the invoice PDF to your email.", "Orders.Descriptions.Resolved": "Confirm that the work is done", "Orders.Descriptions.WaitingBids": "Different partners submit offers within the set deadline and you will be left to choose the most suitable one.", "Orders.Error.Fetch": "Failed to retrieve orders list", "Orders.Labels.BiddingDeadline": "Waiting for bids", "Orders.Labels.Deadline": "Work deadline", "Orders.Labels.NoActive": "There are currently no active orders", "Orders.Labels.NoFoundOrders": "There are no orders according to the entered search criteria.", "Orders.Labels.NoOrders": "No orders in this state.", "Orders.Labels.Paid": "Paid", "Orders.Labels.To": "to", "Orders.SubTitles.AwaitingCompletion": "The work has been approved", "Orders.SubTitles.Cancelled": "No bids", "Orders.SubTitles.Completed": "The work has been approved", "Orders.SubTitles.HistoryPerformedBy": "Work done by", "Orders.SubTitles.InProgress": "The partner is approved", "Orders.SubTitles.Paid": "The invoice is paid", "Orders.SubTitles.PerformedBy": "The partner", "Orders.SubTitles.ReadyForPayment": "Pay the invoice", "Orders.SubTitles.Resolved": "Partner resolved work", "Orders.SubTitles.WaitingBids": "Waiting for bids", "Orders.Titles.History": "Paid and canceled", "Orders.Titles.Main": "My orders", "OrdersHeaderSearch.Labels.SearchPlaceholder": "Enter a service, number, or part of description", "OrdersHeaderSearch.Titles.Filter": "Order status", "OrdersHeaderSearch.Titles.Search": "Search", "OrdersSteps.Labels.Address": "Provide an address for the work:", "OrdersSteps.Labels.Contacts": "Select service receiver and contact person:", "OrdersSteps.Labels.Handyman": "Handyman selection:", "OrdersSteps.Labels.MaterialsSelect": "Materials supply:", "OrdersSteps.Labels.MaterialsSelectClient": "I have materials", "OrdersSteps.Labels.MaterialsSelectHandyman": "Materials must be provided by handyman (delivery price included)", "OrdersSteps.Labels.MaterialsSelectHelp": "Choose if the handyman must provide the materials for the job or you will have your own. If the handyman must provide materials, the delivery price will be included in the price of works.", "OrdersSteps.Labels.Photos": "Attach photos (optional)", "OrdersTabs.Titles.AllOrders": "All orders", "OrdersTabs.Titles.Canceled": "Canceled", "OrdersTabs.Titles.CreatedAsPreorder": "Preorder", "OrdersTabs.Titles.InProgress": "In progress", "OrdersTabs.Titles.Paid": "Paid", "OrdersTabs.Titles.PaidOrCanceled": "Paid / Canceled", "OrdersTabs.Titles.Resolved": "Resolved", "OrdersTabs.Titles.WaitingForAction": "Need action", "OrdersTabs.Titles.WaitingForBids": "Waiting for bids", "OrdersTabs.Titles.WaitingForCustomerApproval": "Waiting for customer confirmation", "OrdersTabs.Titles.Primary": "Primary", "Partner.Statuses.Advanced": "Advanced", "Partner.Statuses.Basic": "Basic", "Partner.Statuses.Pro": "PRO", "PartnerCard.Buttons.Accept": "Accept offer", "PartnerCard.Buttons.Call": "Call partner", "PartnerCard.Labels.About": "About", "PartnerCard.Labels.AveragePrice": "Work price avg.", "PartnerCard.Labels.AverageWorkDuration": "Work time avg.", "PartnerCard.Labels.ClientsCount": "Served clients", "PartnerCard.Labels.ConfirmedOrderPrice": "Work price", "PartnerCard.Labels.CustomersFeedback": "Customer feedback", "PartnerCard.Labels.DoneWorksAmount": "Total jobs", "PartnerCard.Labels.Experience": "Works on PortalPRO", "PartnerCard.Labels.Hour": "h.", "PartnerCard.Labels.IsCertified": "Certified", "PartnerCard.Labels.LastWorkDate": "The last work was done", "PartnerCard.Labels.MissingPlannedMaterialExpenses": "Not specified", "PartnerCard.Labels.PlannedMaterialExpenses": "Planned material expenses", "PartnerCard.Labels.PlannedStartDate": "Planned start date", "PartnerCard.Labels.PlannedStartDateNotSpecified": "By agreement", "PartnerCard.Labels.TotalWorkCount": "Total jobs", "PartnerCard.Labels.UnconfirmedOrderPrice": "Work price", "Password.Errors.Invalid": "Password must contain at least 8 symbols, one digit, one upper case character, and one lower case character", "Password.Errors.Mismatch": "Passwords are mismatched", "Payment.Buttons.Orders": "My orders", "Payment.Buttons.OutsideProviderNext": "Got it", "Payment.Buttons.TypeSelectionCancel": "Cancel", "Payment.Buttons.TypeSelectionNext": "Next", "Payment.Errors.BankError": "Current bank error.", "Payment.Errors.CreditorIbanNotAllowed": "Creditor iban is not allowed.", "Payment.Errors.InvalidPaymentData": "Invalid payment data.", "Payment.Errors.NotSupportedBankLogin": "Not supported bank login.", "Payment.Errors.PaymentMethodNotAvailable": "Payment method is not available.", "Payment.Errors.PaymentNotFound": "Payment not found", "Payment.Errors.SomethingWentWrong": "Sorry something went wrong...", "Payment.Labels.OutsideProvider": "If you have not yet made the payment, pay by received invoice in cash or bank transfer. You can preview an invoice in the section \"Documents\" or in your mailbox.", "Payment.Labels.PaymentTypeCash": "By bank transfer or cash", "Payment.Labels.PaymentTypeCashSubtitle": "By choosing this method, you confirm that you will pay for the work by bank transfer or cash.", "Payment.Labels.PaymentTypeProvider": "Internet Bank", "Payment.Labels.PaymentTypeProviderSubtitle": "Confirming this method you'll be directed to a secure online payment platform.", "Payment.SubTitles.Failed": "Your payment has been rejected. Please return to the order list and retry the payment.", "Payment.SubTitles.Pending": "The payment status will be updated once the bank confirms the payment.", "Payment.SubTitles.Success": "The payment status will be updated once the bank confirms the payment.", "Payment.Titles.Failed": "Payment rejected", "Payment.Titles.OutsideProvider": "Your order will be marked as paid", "Payment.Titles.Pending": "Processing...", "Payment.Titles.Success": "Processing...", "Payment.Titles.TypeSelection": "Choose a payment method", "Personal.Code.Error": "Personal code is invalid", "Personal.Code.Label": "Personal code", "Personal.Code.TypeLabel": "Personal code type", "Profile.Buttons.Cancel": "Cancel", "Profile.Buttons.Edit": "Edit", "Profile.Buttons.Submit": "Save changes", "Profile.Labels.AllowMarketing": "Do you agree that we use your contact details for marketing purposes?", "Profile.Labels.AllowRecieveEmailNotifications": "I agree to be informed about the progress of the order by Email", "Profile.Labels.AllowRecieveSmsNotifications": "I agree to be informed about the progress of the order by SMS", "Profile.Labels.Birthday": "Birthday", "Profile.Labels.Company": "Company", "Profile.Labels.CompanyCode": "Company code", "Profile.Labels.CompanyIban": "Bank account (IBAN)", "Profile.Labels.CompanyName": "Company name", "Profile.Labels.CompanyRegistrationAddress": "Company registration address", "Profile.Labels.CompanyVatCode": "Company VAT code", "Profile.Labels.Email": "E-mail", "Profile.Labels.Name": "First name", "Profile.Labels.Phone": "Phone number", "Profile.Labels.PhoneShort": "Phone", "Profile.Labels.Surname": "Last name", "Profile.Labels.invoiceAddress": "Address", "Profile.Messages.UpdateSuccess": "Updated successfully", "Profile.Titles.InfoNeeded": "This information will be needed for issuing an invoice", "Profile.Titles.UpdateForm": "Profile information", "Register.Buttons.AcceptConditions": "Accept", "Register.Buttons.HaveAccount": "Have an account?", "Register.Buttons.HaveAccountLogin": "Have an account? Login", "Register.Buttons.Login": "Login", "Register.Buttons.Login1": "Login", "Register.Buttons.Privacy": "Privacy policy", "Register.Buttons.Submit": "Register", "Register.Buttons.Terms": "PortalPRO terms and conditions", "Register.Errors.AlreadyConfirmed": "User already confirmed", "Register.Errors.DuplicateEmail": "User with this email is already registered", "Register.Errors.InvalidPhone": "User with this phone is already registered", "Register.Errors.LatitudeInvalid": "Latitude is invalid", "Register.Errors.LongitudeInvalid": "Longitude is invalid", "Register.Errors.PrivacyRequired": "You must read and agree to the privacy policy", "Register.Errors.RegistrationCannotBeConfirmed": "Registration cannot be confirmed", "Register.Errors.RegistrationCannotBeStarted": "Registration cannot be started", "Register.Errors.TermsRequired": "You must agree to Terms and Conditions", "Register.IsCompanyTypes.Entity": "Company", "Register.IsCompanyTypes.Individual": "Individual", "Register.Labels.CompanyCode": "Company code", "Register.Labels.CompanyIban": "Bank account (IBAN)", "Register.Labels.CompanyName": "Company name", "Register.Labels.CompanyRegistrationAddress": "Company registration address", "Register.Labels.CompanyVatCode": "Company VAT code", "Register.Labels.Email": "Email", "Register.Labels.FirstName": "First name", "Register.Labels.InvoiceAddress": "Full address for invoice", "Register.Labels.LastName": "Last name", "Register.Labels.Marketing": "I agree to use my email for marketing purposes", "Register.Labels.Password": "Password", "Register.Labels.PasswordRepeat": "Repeat password", "Register.Labels.Phone": "Contact phone number", "Register.Labels.PhoneShort": "Phone", "Register.Labels.Privacy": "I have read and agree with the privacy policy", "Register.Labels.RecieveEmailNotifications": "I agree to be informed about the progress of the order by Email", "Register.Labels.RecieveSmsNotifications": "I agree to be informed about the progress of the order by SMS", "Register.Labels.Terms": "I have read and agree with the", "Register.SubTitles.Main": "Please register to order our services", "Register.Titles.Main": "Register", "RegisterError.Buttons.Redirect": "Go back", "RegisterError.SubTitles.Main": "Your registration link has expired or is not valid", "RegisterError.Titles.Main": "Registration failure!", "RegisterSuccess.Buttons.Redirect": "Back", "RegisterSuccess.SubTitles.Main": "We have sent an email with the confirmation link to you", "RegisterSuccess.Titles.Main": "Confirm your registration email", "ResetPassword.Buttons.Login": "Login", "ResetPassword.Buttons.Submit": "Submit", "ResetPassword.Errors.InvalidToken": "Outdated password reset link", "ResetPassword.Labels.Email": "Email", "ResetPassword.SubTitles.Main": "An email was sent to the given address", "ResetPassword.Titles.Main": "Change password", "ResetPasswordConfirm.Buttons.Submit": "Submit", "ResetPasswordConfirm.Labels.Password": "Password", "ResetPasswordConfirm.Labels.PasswordRepeat": "Repeat password", "ResetPasswordConfirm.SubTitles.SubTitle": "Enter your new password", "ResetPasswordConfirm.Titles.Title": "Change password", "ResetPasswordError.Buttons.Redirect": "Go back", "ResetPasswordError.SubTitles.SubTitle": "Your change password link has expired or is not valid anymore", "ResetPasswordError.Titles.Title": "Password change failed!", "ResetPasswordSuccess.Buttons.Redirect": "Close", "ResetPasswordSuccess.SubTitles.SubTitle": "The password reset link has been sent to your email.", "ResetPasswordSuccess.Titles.Title": "Change password", "SelectCountry.Buttons.Next": "Next", "SelectCountry.Labels.Main": "Select country", "SelectServiceReceiver.Labels.AddReceiver": "Add new service receiver", "SelectServiceReceiver.Labels.Default": "Search and select", "SelectServiceReceiver.Labels.Highlighted": "Add new receiver", "Upload.Field.Button": "Add", "Upload.Field.Text": "Or you can drag and drop photos into this box", "Upload.Field.UnsupportedFile": "File type is not supported", "Upload.Helper.Text": "Attach photos, plans, and other documents that help define the scope of work", "Upload.Title.Main": "Add photos", "Yup.Cyrillic.Error.Message": "Use Latin characters" }